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tv   [untitled]    December 3, 2012 4:00am-4:30am EST

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support for israel dwindles as the u.k. and france reportedly consider recalling their ambassadors. the un says israeli settlement expansion could deal and almost fatal blow to peace all the details coming up. russia and turkey look to safeguard their burgeoning trade ties from political fallout from the syrian conflict as president putin visits the stamboul plus. study group program is the usual young man employed in the u.k. despair of ever finding a job with a government billion pound flagship state seeming to make matters worse.
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are you watching r.t. live from moscow and i'm president of move the u.k. and france are reportedly considering recalling their ambassadors from israel while the un is issuing grave warning that is after israel approved three thousand more settler homes on disputed land near east jerusalem it was sparked by the palestinians un upgrade we can now talk to artie's paula sleep in the paula thanks for joining us once israel prepared for such a tough reaction do you think from europe and the u.n. . well it was certainly prepared for some kind of reaction which is why in the immediate run up to that you would vote we did see the rhetoric from the israeli government in terms of the threat of sanctions being turned down the what we're hearing now is that for the first time ever britain and france are considering recalling their ambassadors from tel aviv over israel's expansionist policies in
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the settlements now this comes after the announcement by the israeli prime minister netanyahu that he was approving the construction of some three thousand new housing units in the west bank and east jerusalem that's happening in an area known as anyone and what it effectively means is that the waste that will be cutoff east recently and this announcement is widely perceived as punishment against the palestinians for number one going to the u.n. was with this by the number two winning it essentially winning a bird that sees the palestinian state being recognized within one hundred sixty seven borders and given non observer nonmember observer status at the united nations now we're also hearing criticism of some european ambassadors european diplomats warning that he would encourage certain moves against israel and what we're hearing from some of our soldiers is that this is not just condemnation but that this will entailed real action against israel on the ground there has been
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five senior european ambassadors that have drafted a very strongly worded letter to the israeli foreign ministry as well as the israeli prime minister's office in which they put pressure on israel to retract this decision now we're also hearing from the un secretary-general ban ki moon to quote him he says that this has developed and almost fatal blow to the remaining chances of securing a two state solution. should be. well in the face of all this condemnation then how is israel defending its actions. well there hasn't been any official israeli reaction as of yet but i can tell you that if you look at the sick the population in this country they too are also unhappy they do not believe that the israeli prime minister netanyahu will go ahead with building these units they believe that it's almost a cheap move by meton now who to try and gain support ahead of genuine elections
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and that this is an internal matter to try and really build votes b. and that's when yahoo government essentially sees this but and perhaps i should say not just the netanyahu government but many israelis feel that it was a one sided resolution that was put forward at the united nations and the point being made by the government is that they cannot be any kind of unilateral moves on the palestinian side they need to first be negotiations and only then can that lead to talks there needs to be direct talks between both sides the israelis feeling that this was essentially a unilateral move amongst the punishment that the israeli government has taken is that they have frozen some one hundred million dollars in tax money that is welcome it's on behalf of the palestinian authority now this has built a painful blow to the p.a. because essentially can only cover around seventeen percent of its needs the rest of the money comes from this tax money comes from the united states and from the european union there was also
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a criticism being leveled at canada which you will remember did voted against the u.n. bid essentially more critics are coming to the fore now and saying that canada has destroyed any kind of credibility it has in the region and also disqualified any kind of future boy that it might play in the peace process so certainly a lot of condemnation not only against israel but also against those countries that voted against the palestinian bid. ok well thanks paula we will have to leave it there that is a artie's paula slayer in television. russia to talk over the syria conflict in the face of a widening rift between the two is president putin. to keep which leads calls for international action on the conflict has asked night to deploy patriot missiles at its border with syria moscow says the move will only provoke more tension let's get more now on this from. thanks for joining. us on the table for the two
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we know syria is predicted to be a focal point that we. yes we actually do expect syrian issue to be the focal point of the meeting of course russia has repeatedly voiced its concern with the situation in syria and has repeatedly said that this is a privately it's a private syrian matter and turning it into a conflict between other countries and allowing a foreign or outside interference into the cause that is not just damaging but catastrophic for the entire region however turkey seems to be deaf and blind to all the calls coming from moscow or anybody else. point out to the fact that placing patriot missiles on the border with syria is perhaps not the best option in the situation yet on karada means out of it they are saying that they are afraid of the spillover of possible spillover of the conflict from syria into into its borders that they are actually been very vocal and very active in supporting the syrian opposition all sorts of syrian opposition leaders whether or not they're affiliated unknowingly affiliated you know with the extremist possible extremist terrorist
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groups are not as long as there are against president bashar a lot of the turkish government has been very actively supporting the syrian opposition leaders again they have the been basically trying everything in their might it seems like according to a lot of observers it seems like turkey is trying really hard to establish itself as a sort of a regional powerhouse but so far a lot of people are saying that all it seems to be doing is just providing a base for nato operations in the region of course to. this does seem to be perhaps the both so the most important the most important part of the discussions which are going to be taking place between the russian president which in the end of the turkish leaders in a stumble on monday. will be president putin's first trip outside russia since his visit to the stand back in october there has been some speculation in the media he's had some health issues so what can you tell us about that. well i can probably
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tell you the same thing that his corps has told on numerous occasions responding to the questions at holder and abroad and that is that his health is not the issue here they have there have been a lot of rumors staying which were circulating regarding the fact that a lot of but it was quite a few actually the foreign trips by the president have been either rescheduled or altogether canceled but his service is adamant in insisting that this has nothing to do with the russian president's health and everything to do with the problem in scheduling he does have a lot of his plate and there are some matters which he needs to attend to at hold as well as some matters which also come from the scheduling conflicts so this is what they are saying and this will be interesting to see how this visit pans out. ok rina thanks for the. reporting from the stumble. political crisis in egypt is deepening with the country's top judges rebelling against president mohamed morsi the supreme constitutional court has refused to oversee
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a referendum on the new draft constitution planned for two weeks time and claims prime morsy supporters have prevented them from doing their job judges declared open ended strike late on sunday when they were supposed to rule in the egypt in the sea of the islamics dominated panel which drafted the constitution thousands of morsy supporters surrounded the building and stopped the judges from entering the opposition you continue their protests against what they call an oppressive regime are planning to march on the presidential palace on cheese steak. meanwhile egypt's economy is deteriorating as economists feed it explains to tom barton in congress. with protests continuing a round the clock both for and against a gyptian president mohamed morsi the country's economy is facing increasing troubles with me to discuss this is very time lapse an economist here in cairo that is thank you for joining me think first of all tell us briefly what was really
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going on when the stock market pull on which to over a week on hearing mosts announcement in the next week to the shins us the small school shopping days it even coalesce around to turn this thing down this isn't mutual have and this is loss is most of the funny outgoing he comes i am after we are going to take on full find the billionaire how would you compare egypt's economy now to walsh from the. father the economy was somewhat the boom that mubarak deserved this was sixty five for instance at central bank now will still down fifteen point five billion dollars and this is a huge cut that would result and it affects the impulse on the top it affects investors no one will come to invest anything any here in egypt to do these easy to put the aphoristic sector. on
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a large unemployment thing to do is to add the us also said to soon we are going if it was sick she would. kill this continues to be all over the world these you know this will affect all six to sort of egypt business will be shot at our feet now we are divided between two parts that is a pool is a political force in one hand and muslim brotherhood in out of hand we are in a very different the situation rather think you it seems that the egyptian people don't agree on. much these days one of the few things they do agree on is that egypt's economy needs to get back on the right track and as soon as possible. this is all to say and in the next few minutes we report on a revolution in the british welfare system it seems to fall in flat as the latest figures reveal the multi-billion pound program to provide long term jobs for the unemployed simply isn't working also ahead we examine why can't i have all teary eyed motives and it seemingly generous investments into the french economy we've
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got the details off the short break. world of the. science technology innovation hall believes developments from around russia we've got the future covered. you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you
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knew you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture. more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. giant corporations to rule the day. speak your language i mean there. were news programs and documentaries and spanish matters to you breaking news that will turn into bangles kidneys stories.
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you hear. that troy all teach spanish find out more visit eye to eye. wealthy british style. guide. market why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's cancer there are no holds barred look at the global financial headlines two kinds a report on our. claims
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. that i welcome back a miserable failure that's why the opposition described the british government's program to reduce unemployment the five billion times plan and encouraging private firms to take up the long term jobless help just about three percent of those who signed up for it refer expands. some months now twenty five year old j. paxton's being keeping a video diary about his experiences on the government's work programme.
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to work programs the government's like shit scheme that pays private sector organizations to place people in work and they called it a revolution in welfare the first figures released since its launch revealed a resoundingly failure something that hasn't surprised in the slightest thing first it's a going keep his appointment now it seems pretty tightly regimented we watch people running in all morning to keep that appointment thing coming to this job center once a fortnight for the past six months that he's been on the governance work program in the time he hasn't found a single job unfortunately that's not uncommon the latest figures released by the department of work and pensions say the job is just one of hundreds of thousands of people signed up to that work program he found absolutely nothing.
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in fact between gene two thousand and eleven and july this year of all the people he was signed up to the work program only three point four percent were found work far below the target of five point five percent which is the number of people who find work without any sort of program it means that people like you and i typically less likely to find a job than if their own new work program whatsoever can you talk. the last six months what has the experience been on a on a daily basis with this work program well. i'm stunned one of the definition of insanity is to do one thing. and expected different result. and after doing the same thing and getting the same results for six months i'm starting to feel pretty insane and it is maddening the frustration be anguish
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despair most of the time in the experience is having serious effects are actually gone to the doctors a couple of times because of our. problems i'm sleeping way too much more should be the doctor's sounds interesting from what sounds pretty terrific wondering if. you could clinical depression. figures. at the start i was like science i'm going to be the next greatest thing show the world that. i don't want to. i'd rather do something more constructive things are pretty much. tells us that the one size fits all formats is the work programme it's stifling the individuality of young. people i speak to quite intelligent quite bright some of them have. some of them are quite well skilled and they hate being told what to do
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and they like to take appropriate action for themselves and usually quite good at finding work for themselves. in these difficult with the work program what we see now is that in fact when you get the best of the private sector involved when you pay them lots of money they actually do worse than doing nothing at all we asked the government why the program was pretty saying such poor results and why the figures they really seem designed muskwa chilly extent of the faith. they responded saying. it's ridiculous to suggest the work programme is not helping people into work despite being faced with their own shortcomings it seems the government still doesn't want to listen to people like telling the loud and clear i regret to inform you that on this occasion you have been unsuccessful. so r.t. london and elsewhere fracking free zone green fury grips the u.k. on a website hundreds of demonstrators gather in london against the government's plan
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to lift the temporary ban on fracking a controversial and environmentally damaging way of extracting gas price by the pentagon unveils plans to assemble an espionage network large enough to rival the cia is it looks to expand its operations overseas to find out more details of our take dot com. look now at some other news making headlines this hour antigovernment protests last untraceable the final ban on large public gatherings they are demanding increased rights and an end to widespread discrimination against the shiite majority the bahraini authorities have failed to implement the reforms they promised and have been handing out harsh jail sentences to prominent opposition activists. japan is deploying these are interceptors saying they're prepared to down north korea's long range rocket if it poses a threat pyongyang is gearing up for a launch later this month authorities insist the rocket will take
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a satellite into orbit but the u.s. south korea and japan believe the isolated state is carrying out an intercontinental ballistic missile test russia is strongly urging to cancel the upcoming launch. ten christians being killed in a machete and gun attack by suspected islamic rebels in northeast nigeria the fight is then set fire to churches and government buildings and buildings in a village near the border with cameroon the victims were returning from worship when they were attacked by the gunmen and a road construction crew officials suspect islamic group boko haram is behind the assault they have already claimed hundreds of lives in similar attacks this year in hungary around ten thousand people have protested against the far right opposition party in the capital budapest outrage was sparked after one of the party's leaders suggested choose the screen to see if they pose and i quote a security risk the politician later claimed he was misunderstood with his party
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saying the protest was political alarmism caused by desperation over their rising popularity. the resource rich state of cattle has been pouring millions of dollars into the french economy the arab country says it wants to aid small businesses and help rebuild impoverished neighborhoods but it's artie's alexy our shared ski reports the gulf states investment is being met with suspicion. france is already no stranger to qatari dollars fans of parisian football club present your man cannot believe their luck ever since middle east and shakes invested into the team they've bought world class players and hired a top coach now this small business owner hopes he can also have a slice of the pie and huge economic crisis financing from governments are. too big to be obtained talking about cuts or we are talking about business we don't have any finance so we have the financing of financially and.
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with them. we can go and that may soon happen nicolas sarkozy's administration cemented ties with doha placing a military base in the gulf state and signing an investment deal now guitarist invest fifty million euros into the french economy primarily to help small businesses and rebuild parisian slums mostly inhabited by immigrants from arabic and african state. who oversaw the deal says this will help many the strongest maybe. that will help these youth. to escape this circle because when people have a job their vision of life is still very different when the strong people have no job they go into religion they go into violence and terror and that's terrible for the republic and that's terrible for france but after francois hollande came to power this love affair with qatar got called despite that the new administration
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said the deal with qatar would still go ahead things are not looking as optimistic as they were during the sarkozy era every step of the guitar ambassador in paris is being closely watched by the french media and some members of parliament are even calling to investigate the actions of qatar and frogs security experts believe that qatar's initiative is. not as innocent as it may first appear secret service perfectly know that cats are as a dual strategy on one hand and culture as a purely economy strategy to find all the sectors to invest in and to make money the other strategy has got there is religiously and geo politically driven it to mean that it's subjective is to explain radical islamism is means one how business in north africa in the middle east in central asia as well and so these dacia and to develop such a strategy to get. the western world to keep it sounds pretty nationalist forces say the developing suburbs is only
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a cover up for investment into radical islamic groups that i was investing against libyan regime even a small market and he was the best guy actually bishan interfering now we have a civil war involving a lot of islamists presence as in syria today we know that is investing in. groups and arming them so all. of it not so good so good partner for us and stories like that of mohamed merah a shooter from toulouse who killed seven jews this spring stirred the debate he came from one of the troubled areas where qatar is planning to invest and public discourse on the matter suggests that people in france are not certain whether the oil rich state would cure such a problem or aggravate it. auntie reporting from paris now coming up in a few minutes on cross talk peter lavelle and his guest debate whether there is
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a political agenda behind the walk towards iran make life. the legacy no one should be proud of. scrap metal littering pristine arctic landscape building stilton over their foundation pipes spewing black smoke over the snow covered peaks the traces of the soviet industrial activity on the bergen archipelago don't make a pretty picture the guiding principle here is the worse the better locals like to tell the story that back in soviet times when no regions were visiting barons were they also an express lane. and how prosperous the settlement was well times have obviously a challenge when they saw it lags they still attracting a region tourists are barons work i would then cons watch native cash that's why while. our goal is common as was uncovered here
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a few days ago instead of throwing it away the local administration decided to paint the bin you and put it at variance work central square that can do nine hundred eighty darwin's work was a burgeoning mining community of the soviet union was determined to maintain its own costs. are located halfway between north america and western europe bergen archipelago is part of norway with a special status that allows other countries to set up industrial bases here in the middle of the cold war it served as the use of western most outposts now it's one of the last preserved relics. of the soviet union if it was cut off from any financial support for two decades curious interested i think it could be even more appealing for russians trying. to keep its presence on spitsbergen russia still maintaining
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a coal mine here but in terms of profit is far behind local souvenir shops so between. bill it is a big hit the defunct arne curtain still helps keep the money flowing. it's the russians doing your show but you can't play in rubbles they're also. your local administration is increasingly under pressure to bring the infrastructure up to more than standards these modernization efforts are not very popular with tourists if you come into a very authentic place like. it should stay the way it is that would be my wish i mean that's the part also the let you know authentic traditional. i should not i would not like to have it in a shiny condition to be on those this time to change even for the better is not always good for business something that even a local band has become attuned to when they try to add morning russian songs to die repertoire the audience called older wanted to hear it was
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a song comfortably familiar. to. follow and walking across talking about dealing with an ever thirsty world media is fond of the dramatic drama of water wars when it comes to describing the future management of global water resources i wonder about what is water today and how dear will it become as countries around the world will dry.


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